Getting Creative in the Kitchen - Bowl Games, Playoffs and the Super Bowl

Everyone's recovering from the holidays and looking for healthy yet slightly indulgent dishes for tailgating and football-watching parties.  

Here are a few ways you can use our mixes to make easy, delicious and healthier recipes.  

Bread Dipping Oils - Mix as directed and add 2 teaspoons of citrus juice or your favorite vinegar.  Marinate cheeses, olives and sliced cherry tomatoes.  

Savory Dips - Substitute Greek yogurt or pureed cottage cheese for sour cream and mayonnaise with your favorite dip.  Serve with crudite vegetables or thin it out with buttermilk to make a delicious salad dressing.

Guacamole and Pimento Cheese are always a popular option.  

Desserts - Substitute vanilla Greek yogurt for the whipped topping or use light or Sugar-Free Cool Whip.  If you're counting carbs, the entire packet of dessert mix contains 1/3 cup of sugar and will make 8 pie slices.